When I found out about the opportunity to review this product, I was very excited because my son was preparing to take the PSAT in October and then the SAT or ACT in February or March of 2012. So College Prep Genius "Master the SAT Class" was ideal to help him prepare for these big tests. However, I did not receive it in time to help us for the PSAT. However, I know that it will be of great value if he decides to take the SAT next year.
College Prep Genius "Master the SAT Class" DVDs with the accompanying Workbook and Textbook is a very complete and comprehensive way to study for the SAT. The motto is "the no brainer way to SAT success" and although I still think you need a brain to do well on the SAT, this course certainly makes it alot easier. The curriculum is divided into 6 parts: Introduction to the SAT, The Critical Reading Section, The Math Section, The Writing Section, Scholarship Search, and Journal for Test Success. In my opinion, the most valuable help that this curriculum gives is in understanding how the SAT questions are written. There are techniques and strategies for each section of the SAT that will make the test-taking procedure MUCH easier for the student!! And College Prep Genius has thoroughly studied each section of the SAT and has many tips and helps to enable your student to get a great score on the SAT. It uses acronyms to help you REMEMBER all those tips and tricks, too.
To be honest, the tips and tricks that College Prep Genius teaches can be found in many different SAT prep books available from many different sources, but what really set College Prep Genius apart is the completeness of the program. With the DVDs, your student can listen to the instructions about each section before going over it in the textbook and then working the practice problems in the workbook. The only thing lacking, in my opinion, are the complete SAT practice tests that you can take before and after studying this curriculum. However, those ARE available online at www.collegeboard.com, so no worries! The other aspect of this curriculum that I feel is incredible is the Scholarship Search section which helps you and your student to find as many scholarships as possible to help with the financial burden of a college education. And the higher the SAT score, the more scholarships your student will qualify for and receive. So it is well worth the $99 (25% discount) that College Prep Genius is currently charging for this full curriculum to increase your student's score!
After all that I and my son learned about the SAT test via this curriculum and how the SAT test is created and set up, though, I think that my son will be taking the ACT test instead. If your student is going to take the SAT, College Prep Genius would be a VERY valuable tool to help your student understand the test and what the questions are really asking. The SAT is not a very straightforward test and they purposely include traps and tricks to fool the test-taker. So, in my opinion, it is ESSENTIAL to give your student the benefit of going through this curriculum to help them learn these test-taking techniques and strategies to cut time in half, as well as recurring patterns and advice on a "perfect essay", which is the newest portion of the SAT test.
Go to the College Prep Genius website at collegeprepgenius.com for more information and to order this curriculum which is the newly updated and revised program featuring an easy-to-use format, bonus material including appendixes of must know math terms, Latin roots, and prefixes and suffixes, new strategies, more detailed explanations, and a new motivation test. All this comes with a 30-day, money-back guarantee. They also have some other college prep products including VocabCafe. You can read more reviews of this product and VocabCafe by other members of the TOS Review Crew here and see what they thought.
I received this product for free in return for an honest review. I have not received financial reimbursement for my review of College Prep Genius SAT Prep Curriculum.
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